Fire Prevention Week 2020
10/6/2020 (Permalink)
This year's Fire Prevention Week theme is: Serve Up Fire Safety In The Kitchen!
Every year the National Fire Protection Agency practices this safety week to inform and bring awareness to the potentials of fires occurring while living your ordinary, every day life.
According to the NFPA, cooking is the #1 cause of home fire and home fire injuries. They also mentioned that unattended cooking is the leading cause of fires in the kitchen. The NFPA came up with some easy to remember tips to protect you, your family and your home, while in the kitchen:
- STAY - focused on the food. never leave the kitchen when boiling, grilling or frying
- PUT - a lid on it. Keep a lid nearby when cooking.
- KEEP - cooking areas clear of oven mits, wooden utensils, towels, and food wrappers
- PREVENT - scalds and burns by turning pot handles away from the stove's edge and keeping hot foods and liquids away from counter edges.